Thursday, October 24, 2013


PLANS FOR A GRAPHIC NOVEL lampooning a rabid Tea Party darling - JUSTIFUCATORED

A WEALTH OF POLITICAL Douchebaggery in my own west Michigan back yard - JUSTIFUCATORED

AN ATTEMPT AT legitimate research - JUSTIFUCATORED

As the  practitioner in chief of the art of pornolitical scrotage [political commentary using body parts and sexual double- entendre as metaphor] my attempts at actual research for this piece have only served to strengthen my commitment to nonsense, and general laziness. I will forthwith resume the practice of  observing the actions of public figures and thereby assuming to know what motivates them.  It's probably good enough most of the time.

First, the desiccated, fruits of my research.
The Justificator girds his congressional loins by re-reading writings by the founding fathers of The Austrian School of Economics.His office walls are decorated with pictures of these bespectacled ,stern looking, Germanic, genii. Free trade ,the absence of regulation in capital markets,and government non-interference in lending, are  the primary ideas they espouse. The current followers also object to the Fed controlling interest rates as a hedge to inflation, and any government regulation of free markets. The subject matter and language are both complex, and painfully dry. A small dose of it is enough to send most of us running for the single malt and the remote. Americans spend most of their time in the intellectual wading pool. It is,therefore, tempting to be impressed by the discipline that it takes to digest complex, subtle, subjects that are not the least bit entertaining.

Not so fast!
Could it be that the J.A.'s real reason for claiming to be inspired by "Austrian Economists" is to increase the nerdic density of his personal narrative? Yeah we're supposed to think "Wow he must be sooooo smart if he can even be in the same room with that horseshit". JUSTUFICATORED?

I don't know. After watching a 45 min. interview on some Libertarian talk show it's easy to believe he is actually that dull. His voting record is posted on Facebook. It is not strictly dogmatic. He voted against spending increases for the Defense Dpt. He also voted 'present' on some anti-abortion legislation. It is difficult to imagine him as "a most egregious asshole." (the term used by the G.O.P.steering committee chair when he was removed from committee assignments last year). At any rate he probably won't be around long. His primary challenger, Brian Ellis, is backed by  wealthy, influential, G.O.P. members tired of his T.P.antics. Ellis has  already amassed a superior campaign war chest .Back to business as usual.
Amash is drier than over-cooked Metwurst on stale Rubeshlager. That's me demonstrating my nerdic density by showing off my knowledge of rare German sausage and cocktail rye.