Sunday, April 27, 2014

INTRODUCING THE N.A.A.C.P.H.R.A.-Nevada Steak-Out Follow up

   The National Acronym for the Armament of Colored People and Hippies Rifle Association
Brothers and Sisters stop bringin' a bible and a fatty to a gun fight.Can I get an AIM-IN.This time around surrender takes on a different meaning.Surrender to the feel of cold steel spittin' hot lead at the people who really deserve it.Gun registration ,legislation, 3 day probation, ...Fuck all that.We must admit defeat and start packin' sweet heat.I don't care how much legal dope you smoke,it's still really gonna hurt when some shit kickin' redneck decides that" huntin" season don't apply to n@ggars and hippies".Forget where your car keys are,or your moccasins, or even your stash , but remember your loaded 12 gauge is right next to your dick.{with the safety on]

Stay tuned brothers and sisters .We have a lot to talk about.

     The self proclaimed super-patriots in this country have succeeded in instilling a palpable sense of fear in those of us who have consciously decided not to bring firearms into our lives.  There is a price to be paid for fear-mongering.

Fear is simply Hatred in waiting.

Here's the thing; We fought the civil war once.It wasn't a states rights issue it was about slavery and preservation of this country. Secessionist, racists lost that war. It was fought again in the 1950s and 60s. It was not about states rights or business owners rights .It was about equal access by people of color to voting rights, education, and public transportation.The status quot preservationists lost .They lost in the courts, in the streets, and in the hearts and minds of most Americans.The paranoia surrounding changing demographics in America is being fed by autocratic southern conservatives and religious leaders who know how to exploit the divisive nature of  fear. These people will use the working class to divide the country by demonizing the poor, immigrants, people of color, non- christians and ,well,  Democrats.The N.R.A.identifies strongly with the conservative christians and actively encourages armed resistance to government over- reach.Forget the obvious irony of well-armed christians. Outrageous hypocrisy now passes as passionately held principle.Their pernicious influence on local gun laws is breathtaking. Those of us who want to be safe from gun violence have lost the right to restrict ,or even object to the unrestricted flow of firearms into mainstream society.

  There are growing numbers of frustrated liberal Americans who are increasingly fearful.They are not weak, stupid, cowardly, or altogether passive. They are however, human and having lost the rhetorical battle they may be moved to violence .If you think modern Americans can't make the disastrous mistake of fighting another civil war ,think again.The modern world is rife with conflicts that have been fought for the same reasons over and again for a thousand years.People forget .Recent events demonstrate that we have forgotten some painful lessons.  

Friday, April 25, 2014



  A whiskey soaked,  idiot, retard, bestiality advocate has put his bovine boyfriends on food stamps:presumably because it's hard to have sex with a hungry steer.Gun-toter, mesquite monkeys banded together to route federal agents from the public land he needs for grazing.Well I need to start drinkin' again ,so I think I'll open a Brew-Pub in my grand daughters' grade school.It's conveniently located, and paid for with public money.

 Why can't my government ever seem to kill the right people? Is a white Stetson some kind of secret Kryptonite? Set your cause to Toby Kieth songs and you can get away with anything.This fucker is demanding ..DEMANDING TO BE SUBSIDIZED by the federal government.He and his secessionist cadre are backing their demands with the open threat of armed violence.

  Imagine this scenario in urban Grand Rapids .A mom, let's  a person of color,homeless ,demands to receive shelter in the firehouse near the expressway underpass where she currently resides with her four children She moves into  a bunk not  being used by the firemen..A group of armed,  inner city homeless advocates appear to prevent her removal.BOOM! In fifteen minutes it would all be over : dead mom, dead kids ,dead activists, dead firemen, arrests, hand-wringing : why .why.......oh the humanity.....Horseshit...Cowshit!
  In the late sixties when Black Panthers and other leftist groups began to arm themselves we saw game changing ,restrictive, gun legislation.Now we celebrate racist, baccy stained ,one toothed ,desert ape assholes that point guns at  federal agents.America: land of the well-armed shit shoveler.

 Finally, welfare for rich, white, land owner rednecks, but,  maybe I'm just whistlin' Dixie.

The desert is dry and quiet right now ,but  the tune I keep hearing is " It's A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall".

   This outlaw is a whining neo- confederate  plantation owner,  who, by his own admission believes " the Negro never learned just to pick cotton. If he had,  he would still have families and things.They're not better off with their welfare". He is a criminal .He should be hunted down and brought to heel.