Sunday, May 25, 2014


In the perennial Christmas favorite "It's a Wonderful Life " every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings. In 21st century America every time another innocent child falls victim to gun violence N.R.A. chin-doctor in chief, Wayne Lapierre gets a bag full of blood money. He made over a million dollars in salary and other compensation for keeping most of us scared shitless while spearheading lobbying efforts that guarantee the deaths of more innocent people.  It doesn't matter if he believes the ass backwards talking points he vomits. Results matter. Legislators are frightened of him. Clergy are frightened of him. Less radical members of the N.R.A. are frightened of him.
The fantasy of an armed takeover by "the Government "is just that. The government is being re-shaped into a fascist oligarchy by the same groups that pump millions into the N. R.A. If you are in possession of an I.Q. over 100 [not a firearm] that idea should cause you great concern.  The Branch Davidians were well armed and it did not prevent the violent over reach of federal agents. Your A. R. 15 WILL NOT HELP YOU IF THE U.S. MILITARY WANTS TO KILL YOU. The fear that those of us who choose not to play with guns feel is very real. It is backed up with strong statistical evidence and it is happening now. There is no "rapture" snatching innocents from the imminent onset of a brutal death. If the God the christian soldiers of the N.R.A. worship exists, he must be taking a millennial hiatus. If vengeance belongs to the firebrand God of the old T, then Wayne would've been sawed in half by a .50 caliber Browning mid-canard by now.

Some of us are frightened of the people arming themselves and some of us are too frightened not to buy arms. We should, instead,  focus on the wealthy individuals, and P.A.C.s stoking the fear and ask what they have to gain by doing so. Keeping the populace divided and in fear of each other has always been a win-win for power brokers.When this fear persists there is no strength in numbers.Whether we are packing or not, numbers are the only answer we have to the increasing concentration of wealth and power at the top.

Wayne Lapierre sells guns and he is good at his job. 300 million guns and counting in the U.S. alone. Like any great C.E.O. his is dogged and single minded, an object in forward motion determined to stay in motion. He is undeterred by facts, statistics and especially moral outrage. He is winning; an unstoppable lobbying and media machine. Why is his voice a roar and the voices of mothers, fathers and the friends of victims a feckless whisper? It is a clear sign of where the power lies and that is more frightening than any statistic.
His stride has to be broken in order to produce change. Every appearance he makes, disrupted. Every time he opens his mouth he should be interrupted. He needs to know that He is now the target.

In Waynes' world an attack on innocents followed by a push for gun legislation translates into increased sales.{N.R.A. Prayer Breakfast Molepost ] We need to follow the money and shed light on where it lands.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


The endorsements mentioned in prior posts will, also carry a rating of from one to five outhouses depending on how steeped in fecal matter they have proven themselves to be.
This is in no way a criticism of Porta- Potties, or the fine and essential service they provide. They do, however, have the advantage of being emptied and cleaned periodically, while our public servants do not.

Terri Lynn Land receives a post -post rating of three Outhouses.Fully stocked with hand  sanitizer and tissue.*

* Indicates that while "full of it",[in the parlance of our times] not necessarily dirty.  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

TERRI LYNN LAND-Endorsement Numero Uno

A high priest of the Neo- Calvanist dark arts drags a bag containing licorice, a doll made of yellow pipe cleaners, some Oke Doke Cheese Popcorn, and Ann Coulters' balls through a trailer park, and, presto,   he emerges with the soul of Teri Lynn Land..The G.O.P. candidate for the senate seat being vacated by the Senator Carl Levin.

Terri has been busy the last few elections purging voter rolls. You know , the wholesale elimination of people that happen to bear the same name of a convicted felon ,or a deceased person,  from the voting rolls .This practice is used, not incidentally,  in districts with low income, high democratic voter turnout.It is illegal. Her actions have been struck down by higher courts ,but , that happens post election.One would think, given the intellectual, moral, and economic superiority of G.O.P. supporters that they would be able to win every election without rigging the game. Well, they didn't get where they are by underestimating lazy black tricksters , fat drug addicts, [Limbaugh excluded] and people who don't own cars


Grandville High-blah blah -Jerry Ford liked her-blah blah-trailer park something or other-helped granny at a motel-honorary degree from Davenport College blah blah-Mi. school board blah-Lives in the milk toast suburb of Byron Center.
 Only albino dairy cows are allowed in  Byron Center by local ordinance.BBQ, tacos and other ethnic foods are not allowed within the city limits.I once saw a crow being forcibly removed from a flock of creamy white swans by what appeared to be private security.


What environment. God will always look out for the investor class and make sure they have access to whatever they need to overcome any obstacle.That is why he gave Calvin permission to charge interest on money loaned.Praise The Lord.

If they want something let them go get it like she did.Otherwise they're just lazy whiners." AS A WOMEN" she should know .Someone should ask her how she feels about the Rape Insurance Law passed by the state lawmakers every time she appears in public.She opposes legislation calling for equal pay for woman ,even though, they make an average of 74 cents on the dollar for the same work as their male counterparts.

Koch Bros. Money:
Yessir and Hell Yeah


This plucky dame gets the B.F. stamp of approval because I am a white male with a job[for now] and I will sleep better knowing that she is out there not representing the rest of you.

Oh ,and because it probably has to get worse before dems get out and vote to save their own asses.

Best Of  Luck Bitches

Saturday, May 10, 2014


When I put the full weight of my journalistic prowess behind the next group of Republican and Tea Party candidates their gonna' wish they'd never heard of me. THEY'VE NEVER HEARD OF ME.My journalistic prowess has been a diet lately though. I've  lost most of my spare tediousness, my double-chin music,and half my pretentious density.They may not even recognize me. If they ever did.

The point is; I will fuckin' endorse you.  The thirty people who read my stuff know thirty other people and these people probably know somebody.Just think about that late nights on The Square Biz Express To Nigger-Hater Heaven Campaign Bus when your tryin' to catch forty sweet ones. Rabble -bitch-rouser Buster Falkowski endorses YOU. Ain't that a zombie apocalyptic bite to the crotch.

It might take some time but the poison of my enthusiastic support is insidious, potent, and inevitably terminal.Your only solace is that, for now, the mouth of the cancerous river of my unflinching pimpage opens at the portal of my feeble blog-site.My partner and I are gonna' bust out of here, big time, pretty quick though.
See you on the campaign trail.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


   I am the fuckin' Blanche Duboise of angry, aging, prima donna chefs.The people I work with have to tell me I'm pretty every five minutes just so I'll keep  showing  up every day, and I'm a guy.I am riding out my career on a streetcar named "Go Fuck Yourself "all the way to the hell where chefs are skinned alive and boiled in their own shitty hospital food.I, too , am dependent on the"kindness of strangers".Lucky for me I am the chef at an insane asylum and nobody is stranger than my current customer base.Except maybe the hospital staff.Sometimes I get stuck behind their bedraggledassedness slow-walkin' themselves down to the room where they go to not cure somebody for ten years. No sense of urgency there,"Hey bitch hurry up or my shitty food is not gonna be really over-cooked in time for lunch".These people used to have souls.I can see it in their eyes.The pernicious nature of their chosen profession has damaged them down to the bone structure.They were young once, but now they're thirty, maybe thirty two .It's fuckin' over. Trying too hard to cure the uncurable,console the inconsolable.Too bad for them.I got my own issues.
This place ,this corporate food service contractor has a mustache net rule.The only guy with a mustache is a pedophile being treated down the hall.I suggested we wear pubic hairnets on the outside of our uniforms as a joke.They wrote it into the handbook after what was thought to be one of my grey pubic hairs was discovered in the fruit cocktail.Since when isn't there grey pubic hair in fruit cocktail!

Maybe I exaggerate a bit but I swear ta god I will quit my job as a fake writer if the thirty or so people who read this shit don't get off their asses and make me some money.I will ride the rails down into the shit can of culinary anonymity until my color resembles canned green beans and my cooking packs all the gustatory wallop of a bad tuna casserole.See if I don't. I mean it ....Hello..........

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


   Michigan Republican house speaker Race "Whitey" Bolger has preposed legislation calling for mandatory pre-assigned job training for the unborn children of single mothers collecting any form public assistance."We already know stuff like ,how smart they're gonna be, their morals, how much money they"ll have, and so forth .I'm just sayin'  let's do a more realistic "Head Start" deal for those people". His suggestions include job placement as an alternative to a failed attempt at  education." Teach 'em right away not to be the burden their single mothers and indigent fathers have been on good folks and job creators.Plus, some are already on dope when they're born.They won't ever make a lot of money ,but if they start right away,and I mean right away,  it, could add up.I do realize, however, that you have to crawl before you can wash dishes, heh, heh".

The parent would receive mandatory jail time if their infant fails to attend work or training sessions.The infant would then become a ward and  full time employee of the for-profit prison system."That's right ,do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars in welfare. Straight to the hoosegow where they 're probably gonna wind up anyway."

 Ten people just asked me if this was really true.Congratulations Whitey, after the rape insurance law, people are ready to believe you assholes are capable of anything.