Saturday, November 23, 2013

FAREWELL TO PODUNK-lyrics to a Hot Dog Gravy song

  Podunk acts just like sounds
a place where ignorance knows no bounds
they say they love Jesus and it might be true
but they ain't afraid to hate a nigger or two
they ain't afraid to hate a nigger or two

 Podunk be not nice to me
they nailed my pecker to a hickory tree
 now it hurt some but I don't care
I'm double-pecker Buster and I carry
a spare
I'm double pecker Buster and i carry
a spare

Podunkarama rabbit-foot-home brewed beer
red bull, whiskey, and the smell of fear
cant get a real job, least not around here
start a red-neck meth lab ,poach a few deer
potato chip salesman, and a night cashier
potato chip,gasoline,night cashier

got a job at a Bistro cookin on the line
 brew Obama hater beer
serve Obama hater wine
Bama hater tequila well its tastes real fine
someday soon I'm gonna lose my mind
bide my time and find a like mind

make Obama hater pizza don't mind if I do
looks just like Bama when I take a poo
keep a picture of him by the side of my bed
throw it in the toilet and I pee on his head
wake up drunk and I pee on his head

Dirty Hippy walkin in
step Father walkin out
all the other cooks know what I'm talkin about
gonna miss you all, let there be no doubt
gonna miss the burgers and the saurkraut
Danish Viniagrette Bleu and the saurkraut

gun-toter Lynn, Chelseas one, two, three,
Mike, and Mandy, and Titty Mcgee{Jodie]
got the best lookin people in the land of the free
its's hard to come by good company
hard to come by good company

I'll keep the pimp hand strong cause
you never can tell
if the nuthouse gig
makes me crazy as hell
come ridin back on one of Scotties steeds
to turn you into Democrats and teach you how to read
turn you all into Democrats and teach you how to read.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


"  Our ammunition ,dear lord,is made in the image and likeness of thee.Your head a holy hollow point with a depleted Uranium crown of thorns.May it smite our enemies sweet Jesus that they might feel the suffering you endured for our sins .Let us pray.'
 " Our firearms the womb of your holy mother Mary giving birth to not just one Jesus but sixty rounds of powder powered sons of god per second that tricksters and non believers ,however fleet of foot ,may not escape your righteous Wrath.In Jesus name we pray"
 "Gather unto us oh lord thine infinite abundance that we may offer generous retainers to the cleverest scribes and lawyers in the land.May they provide bale and bounty to holy warriors standing their ground and delivering justice unto Satans' black children .In Jesus name we pray.Amen."

 Jesus is reported to have shown up at the breakfast, having mistaken it for an actual gathering of the faithful. After hearing the opening prayer, he was unable to stop throwing up his biscuits and gravy.He was mistaken for a hippy and quickly ascended into heaven mostly unnoticed by those in attendance.

 Examining the itinerary for the National Rifle Association convention the Prayer Breakfast struck me as somehow out of place.Chalk it up to the last vestiges of my Catholic school boy naivete.A little more reading and I discovered the youngest N. R. A. gun -toter at the convention was a 3 year old.The power and reach of this organization is as troubling as the culture of paranoia they promote.Make no mistake though, the primary function of the N.R.A. is the increase of the sale of guns and ammunition.For every demand for  gun control legislation there is a measurable increase in the sale of guns.The publicity that surrounds  gun related mass murder is actually good for business.The mere mention of legislation is reason for the doomsday hoarders to run to Cabella's or a gun show for a fix.
  I am ashamed to admit that I did not know that MI. even has a Stand Your Ground law until the news of the Dearborn Heights shooting broke .It  still seems possible to effect change in these laws at a state and local level though national legislation seems out of the question.Although the funding and fighting these  local battles with big money and political muscle,   sane arguments can still  be made between neighbors that resent the influence imposed by powerful outside interests.Local action to repeal Stand Your Ground should be possible given the attention that recent, apparently racially motivated, shootings have have received.
  As for the evangelical component of the N.R.A..They are the equivalent of an American Taliban.Well armed ,volatile,and useful.There role is to render the advancement of any gun control legislation untouchable by virtue of their godliness. The fanaticism of well armed evangelical christian inspires fear; pure and simple.  The N.R.A. have also hi-jacked and employed  patriotism to the same end.
  Whatever the N.R.A.aims at it hits.Jim Morrison wrote "They got the guns ,but,we got the numbers".Yeah ,but they got the guns Jim. That should scare the shit out of the rest of us.facebook

Saturday, November 2, 2013


  Oliver is my dog and he decides who lives and who dies.He is a Democrat.You say this is impossible to know but you didn't see the way he looked at me when he overheard me tell Sam [ our twenty three year old ] that I voted for George Bush senior the first time Clinton ran for president..It filled me with dread, and an adhesive, ever present,sense of menace.Surely that fear was worse than the fear of death itself.He's an Australian Shepard so you know he's intelligent, authentic, and intellectually highly evolved.
  He's not mean!I yelled at him one time when I was sick and he was just so sad.The thing about Oliver is this ; he has a very keen sense of justice.American justice ,like only a dog can have.Poor people are nice and when he sees someone who is underprivileged,under-represented,underfed,even underwear-less he cocks his head,pushes out his tongue, and smiles his most disarming doggy smile just for them.
  His sense of moral outrage is due ,no doubt, to abuse he suffered as a baby dog.After arranging his adoption we rushed to his puppy bed but  arrived too late. "The Man" had hurt him,cut him,cut off his puppy tail before we could intervene.You see he knows  what it means to suffer at the hands of "the Man".To be stripped of an essential part of yourself and to bear that mark of Cain til the day you die.Straight up pain dog.
   He is the the only one awake when I get home from my chef job.I bring us wood-fired peanut butter pizza and we watch c-span.He doesn't hate Sen. Cornyn. He yawns at this reptile telling lies and plotting to take even more from the weakest among us.A haircut that masquerades as a human being."A haircut,very clever Ollie" I say.
    Oliver dreams of vengeance.Vengeance for all the disenfranchised animals of this world.Delivered light on its feet with a cool, deadly quickness.In winter,in broad,icy daylight..
   "Who's a good boy, who's a good boy.It's beddy bye time".Your day will come Oliver.When you're just a little bigger-a little stronger. Yeeaas it weeaal ".

  Happy Birthday Ollie